Sunday, January 18, 2009

And the letter of the week is...

*Note* Before watching, be sure to pause the blog music at the bottom of the page so you can hear Zach's sweet little voice. 

Zach has been getting really into learning his letters. There are quite a few that he knows now and it is really exciting to watch him learn new things. Enjoy the little video where he is performing some of his skills. I could only get him to talk about two letters before he wanted to hold the camera himself though. We have had a great week and he is recovering nicely from his surgery. We went in for a check up this week and the Dr. said everything was healing perfectly. So glad that one is behind us! I have started classes again so Andy and Zach are getting their boy time which they both loved. It was so nice to see how happy they both were after getting time together on Wednesday afternoon! One cute story to leave you with. The background on this one is that he has a CD of the music from Vacation Bible School last summer that he loves and listens to while dancing in his room everyday. He calls the CD "Power" as that is one of the main words in the first song.   So at his gym class they turn on the bubble machine at the end of class, put on some music and have a dance party. All of the kids were dancing and Zach came running over to me yelling POWER...apparently he didn't like the song they had chosen and wanted to dance to VBS music instead! 

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