Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Silent Night

It's Christmas Eve and Zach is sound asleep in his Christmas jammies, resting up for an exciting morning of celebrating the birth of our Savior and playing with some fun new toys that Santa should be dropping off at any moment. Andy is at church doing the last two Christmas Eve services of the night, so I thought I would take the quite moment to catch up on the blog, which I have gotten so behind on! I am even being provided with live music as I write since the church across the street is letting out and everyone is gathering outside with candles and singing Christmas carols. I feel blessed! Speaking of feeling blessed, I just want to say on this Christmas Eve that I am so thankful that God sent His son to earth as a precious baby. We are blessed that Jesus came to this earth to share His life with us. I am so thankful that we have a time each year when we can celebrate His birth and remember all that it really means for us. 
I haven't posted any of our fun moments this Christmas season, mostly because we have been so busy! I probably don't need to mention that life in the church gets much crazier around Christmas time. One of the things we did this season which Zach absolutely loved was to do the drive through Seneca Park to see the Winter Lights display. He loved all of the lights that were shaped like some of his favorite animals. His absolutely favorite part however was when we came upon the barn where Santa's reindeer live. Barns a favorite thing of Zach's right now and a barn made of lights....well you can imagine how great that would be. Andy and I enjoyed it too as we got to have a wonderful conversation that lasted longer than fifteen seconds! Zach has started taking a gym class this month which was a Christmas gift from Grandmom and Granddad. He loves it! He is especially good at the balance beam and dunking balls into the basketball hoop. The greatest part is that since we are signed up for the class we can go to the gym for free open play anytime we want! This is going to be a life saver for us as it is way to cold to hit the playground these days! We are taking a trip back to Colorado next week which we are all so excited about and I promise all three of you that read this blog that I will post pictures of Christmas as soon as we get back. Until then enjoy a few fun ones 

Sugarloaf Mtn. Vineyard. We went to this great vineyard that is right by our house to buy a gift one afternoon and decided to stay for a glass of wine! Zach is enjoying his favorite snack too, cheese puffs from Trader Joes. 
Papere (my dad) sent Zach this incredible digger for Christmas. It arrived this morning and we let him open it early. Diggers are Zach's absolute favorite right now. He can spot them a mile away and excitedly screams "di di"  in the car whenever he sees one!

Even the picture on the box was exciting. 
Oh the anticipation can be so painful!
Zach's first haircut! 
I have attempted to cut his hair many times but he refuses to let me anywhere near him with scissors (probably a good choice on his part). So we took him to the lady that cuts Andy's hair and he had a great time! He looks so precious with his new cut and it makes him look so much older!

Zach helping me to make gingerbread men for my MOPS groups. Actually they were called Chai Spice Girls and were delicious! Let me know if you want the recipe for next year. Zach loves baking these days and often pulls up a chair to help me in the kitchen. He especially loves when I use the Kitchen Aid Mixer! "Wow," he says!
Zach taking a self-portrait when mommy and daddy weren't looking.

I am so blessed to have these two wonderful boys in my life. They are so much fun and keeping me laughing all the time. They also have two of the sweetest and kindest hearts you will ever find!

Instructing daddy on where the tree should go. He loved have a tree in the house. He will definitely be sad to see the "tee" go!
Taking a break from Christma shopping to play at Tysons Corner
Stretching his legs with daddy. Daddy is training for another Marathon!
We went to the beach for Thanksgiving and had so much fun spending time with our wonderful family! Here he is coloring with his cousin Jackson. He thinks Jackson walks on water!

A walk on the boardwalk- Thanksgiving day