Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Taking a Stand!

It's amazing how quickly Zach is changing these days. Just when I think I have baby proofed the house according to his new abilities he is doing something else. Its so much fun to see. He is still doing his version of crawling which is using his knees and forearms. Everyone who watches him crawl his amazed at how quickly he zooms around using this method. When he sits on the floor to play he prefers to kneel rather than sit on his bottom. When I go into his playroom and see him sitting on his knees and playing with his toys I am amazed at how much he looks like a little boy and not a little baby. His new thing now is to pull himself up from kneeling to standing. He wants to stand on everything. This is especially true since his play group friends came over last week and he watched some of the older ones standing and even walking around his house and using his toys to climb up on. I think he thought it looked like fun and decided he wanted to try it to. Now if I leave him for one second I come back and he is standing up and hanging on for dear life to some piece of furniture. The funniest is when he stands up using his Tonka truck to hang on to and the truck slowly drives away. Poor little guy!  He is doing lots and lots of talking. His favorite things to talk about are Da Da, Pla, Pla, and Ba Ba. Whenever Maggie comes near him he reaches to pet her or climb on her and starts saying MMMMMM so maybe MMMMMM is Maggie! We actually had a great break through on the communication front last week. He started signing back to me using the sign for more! He will be stuffing handfuls of food into his mouth and suddenly look down and see that is tray is empty and he will quickly give me the sign for more. 

He had his 9 month check up last week. All is well, but he is definitely a little guy! His height was 28 3/4 in (50-75 percentile) his weight was 18lb and 4.5oz (10-25 percentile) and his head was 18 1/2 in (90-95 percentile. So that means he is just like his dad, thin with lots and lots of brains! The doctor wasn't worried about his weight but mentioned that since he hadn't been real excited about eating the blended up baby food anymore that we should let him mostly feed himself with his hands. That has been lots of fun, especially for Maggie who gets to clean up after him. He loves feeding himself and we like it too, but that means that instead of 15 or 20 minute meals we now have meals that last about an hour. Thats life with Zach for now. We're having so much fun and its hard to imagine what life was like without him. 

Zach and baby Elsa
He is always very interested in other babies. 

I just can't get enough of the kneeling-It's too cute!

Feeding himself bananas
This is the game he likes to play with us when he is in the high chair. He tips his head one way-we copy him and he tips it the other way. This can go on forever and he also likes to play it in restaurants with other people sitting at tables around us and the waiters. 
MMMMM Delicious 

Reading-Zach loves being read to and is always climbing into his book box and handing me books to read to him. At this point Andy and I have most of his books memorized. 
Drinking from his sippy cup. 
It takes lots of concentration
Hanging out at Starbucks with mommy...
...and daddy. 

Standing up in his crib
He's pretty proud of himself
He loves when daddy plays the guitar for him
Zach likes to play too

Doing a puzzle

The superbowl at Bryan's cool house in DC

Pretty into the game...or the electronic equipment. 

Chatting with Ryan
The handoff
Yay for the Super Bowl!