Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Cute New Things

Just wanted to share: 
Yesterday I took Zach to Stride Rite to buy new shoes. He has always sort of been into shoes (hmmm wonder where he gets that). He went around the store lining up all of the display shoes and had a blast. He nicely sat while the sales woman put different pairs on his feet. When he got home he wanted to play shoe store. He ran around the house gathering all of my shoes and then pointed for me to sit on the living room floor and he put each pair on and off of my feet. So precious. 

While we were playing shoe store Oprah was on and she had the most talented kids on her shoe. One boy was break dancing, another tap dancing, and there was even a yodeling girl. Zach took a break from his duties as a shoe sales man and tried out all three talents. I am thinking I am going to have to contact Oprah and get him on the show for next year. 

We are on a one new word a day role. Sunday it was chair and yesterday it was bowl. Can't wait to see what it will be today. I love that sweet boy!
Hope everyone is well and looking forward to a fun Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday so I know we are! 

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