Saturday, March 1, 2008

A New Camera!

I haven't been posting very much lately because I haven't had a camera but I just got a great new one for my birthday so hopefully you will be seeing many more pictures. The picture loader was going VERY SLOW today so I am going to try again tomorrow, but for now I did manage to get up a short video of Zach crawling around in the pool during his first swimming lesson. He is doing great! It has been a hard week as he is getting all 4 front top teeth in at the same time, but he's a trooper! You will see in the video that he has ditched the army crawl and is up on all fours and moving fast. We can barely keep up with him these days and we have spent the weekend baby proofing some more. He has started to climb stairs now and is interested in mostly just the dangerous things around the house so we are trying to stay one step ahead, but its certainly becoming tougher :-) 

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