Sorry to have taken such a long break in posting pictures. I have started my masters program in counseling this month and I am still getting used to the new schedule and fitting in everything that needs to happen. The adjustment to getting back to school gone pretty well. My classes are only one day a week so Andy has been able to take that as his day off and Zach and Andy are having wonderful days together going on hikes and different kinds of adventures that he doesn't usually get to do with me. I have been able to study and write papers during his nap times and after he goes to bed and so far all is well. The biggest piece of news is how close he is to walking! He is now able to stand completely on his own and even clap for himself while he balances. He took two steps on Thursday, but he prefers to free fall into our arms rather than to take steps so that is what we do now. I am sure things will change soon and he will be inspired to venture out. It seems like things change by the week. We are enjoying the warm weather, playing in the pool in the yard, going to parks, and lots of fun outdoor things. Oh and finally the wagon routine. Zach started this routine during his week with grandmom while I was in class at the beginning of May and now he make sure we do it at least once a day. He pushes the wagon across the street while we pull it (he used to ride in it now he pushes it) and we head down the path to the graveyard behind the church. There is a small grave there with a lamb on top of it so he stops the wagon and motions to the lamb. I help him walk to the grave where he spends the next few minutes petting the lamb and kissing its nose. Is it weird that I let my son kiss grave stones????? Maybe. Anyway we head back to the wagon and he pushes it home. He's just like his mom and dad...he loves his routine!!!!!