Thursday, March 20, 2008

Zach's new tricks

Zach is doing so many new things these days. He is 11 months old and is reminding me everyday that he is only 1 month away from being a toddler. That is amazing for me to realize as it feels like just yesterday that he was born, but then I realize how worn out I am after playing with him all day and it is a reminder about how much has changed. 
Zach loves life and he wants to go go go. He loves to get out of the house and go places where he can watch other kids. Whenever he sees other kids he gets very excited and starts to squeal and clap his hands. He has some good little buddies his age that we try to spend lots of ti
me with. In fact, 5 of them are coming over tomorrow afternoon to play! 
Zach is eating everything he can get his hands on. This favorite thing is chicken. He loves chicken which makes Andy and I laugh since we are sort of always trying to eat vegetarian. He talks a lot now too. He says Da da, which I have decided now officially refers to Andy. He says it only when he sees him or when it is obvious that he is looking for him. He also says hi! He loves to play with our cell phones and has made a few prank calls to the people on my speed dial. You never know...the next time you get one of those heavy breathing phone call it could be Zach! So since he is familiar with the cell phone he will
 now say hi to us and hold his hand up to his ear like he is talking on the phone. He loves to clap his hands and that is always the sure sign that he is excited. Often he will look up at me and smile and start clapping his hands whenever I walk into the room. I couldn't ask 
for a better greeting than that! 
He has also started cruising around the house using his push toys on w
heels. He does circles around the house looking so proud of himself, however he doesn't know how to turn so he will run into a wall. Bang the toy into the wall a few times and then start "calling" for us to come help him. 

Sorry, these pictures are a bit fuzzy because they are from the camera on my phone.

This is the "How big is Zach" game. 
Playing in the tupperware. 

Droopy eyes...nap time, but still showing "how big he is" 

We filled his extra pack n play with balls so now he has his own ball pit!

He likes to throw the balls over the side and watch us run around and chase them. 

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