Thursday, November 1, 2007

Zach is a Party Animal...

... A party lion to be exact! Zach had a big Halloween. He went to three Halloween parties this year. His social calendar is far more exciting than ours is! His first party was at the church. He was in the costume parade and won for the category of "Littlest Lion". Of course he was also the only one competing for that award, but now we have the little certificate for his baby book. He went to another party on Sunday afternoon. We don't have any pictures of that party for two reasons 1. Our camera ran out of batteries 2. When it was time to line up all of the kids on the couch and take their picture, Zach threw off his lion mane and sat on the floor eating Cherrios instead. Hey, at least he was happy which is more than can be said for the other babies that were all lined up and screaming their heads off!
Yesterday we had a Halloween party with our playgroup. That was by far the best because there were 10 little babies all under a year dressed up in precious costumes. As you can see I had to include some pictures below of some of the other precious babies in their costumes. What a fun first Halloween!
update: We have now added pears to the "Foods Zach Loves" list!

Eric the turtle, munching on the letter "G" with Tinkerbell Mackenzie

The sweetest little lion in the jungle. 

A brave little lion. 

Eric the turtle with Mariska the leopard.
Zoe the frog 
Zach and mom waiting for trick-or-treaters.


janette said...

Oh my goodness, Zach is the cutest lion indeed! Martin was a giraffe. We miss you guys.

Unknown said...

I'm almost positive he was the cutest lion ANYWHERE. :)