Thursday, June 21, 2007

More Pictures

I just downloaded some pictures off of my sister's camera and they had some cute little Zach faces so I posted a few.

We took Zach to the movies and he did great...he slept the whole time and was still asleep when we got home...again proving to be completely portable and able to go with the flow:

Zach's first baseball game! We took the metro to DC to see the Nationals play the Tigers...Zach of course did great. He was his usual cute, happy self even after a morning of painful shots and later on he slept through all of the screaming and cheering and charmed everyone on the metro all the way home.

With Aunt Malia...Zach is popping his head out of one of his favorite places...his cozy little sling.

1 comment:

jane & jackson said...

I can't wait to see little Zach at the beach!!! I hope he has his bathing suit packed!