We just got back from a wonderful trip to Colorado. It was such a great trip that it was all we could do to get back on that plane and come home. We were ready to stay! Andy had a restorative and restful pastors retreat up in the mountains for the first part of the week while Zach and I played with family in Denver. I always enjoy getting to know that city a little bit better each time we go back there. The last part of the week we were up in Boulder enjoying time with Andy's family. It struck me in a new way on this trip how lucky Zach is to have four wonderful grandparents in his life that love him so much. He has such a unique relationship with each one of them and that is really starting to show. Since we have been home he has talked about each of them at different times and has reminded me of some of the fun activities that he did with each one. Of course not to mention all of his amazing aunts and uncles that he dearly loves. We only wish we could see them all more!
Found a great park in Denver. It had a creek for kids to play in, train rides, and a petting zoo!
Here he is with aunt Malia playing in the creek.
Zach and Malia riding the train.
Malia, we love you and were so grateful that our trips to Colorado worked out so that we could be together! We miss you, we think you are amazing and we hope you have a wonderful year at school!
Spying on the ducks in the pond
Petting the sheep at the petting zoo
This cracked me up-the turkey was standing in front of the
air conditioning unit and cooling itself off.
Playing with Papere at "cave park" this was a park in Boulder that we played at all the time when we were kids- brought back fun memories to see Zach playing there.
Making banana bread with Grandmom. She is always doing fun projects with him!

Stretching with Granddad-this was before they took off on their
run together down the hall and back.

There is little in the world that brings Zach more joy than Grandmom and Granddad's bird. He loves it when Grandmom gets it out of the cage and lets it fly around the room. I am sure the poor bird is enjoying the peace and quiet now that we are gone and it is not being asked to perform tricks every hour.

Zach and Charlotte taking a walk after lunch.
These two were from after the trip back at home. Too cute not to make the cut.
If you look really closely you will be able to find Zach among all of the sand toys.