We have had a fun week although all three of us are fighting off being sick and at this point it seems like Zach and I are losing the fight. The nursery attendant at church today told me that Zach didn't want any goldfish! If you know him you know that means he is definitely sick. We all enjoyed watching Tuesday's events on TV all day. We were thinking of going down to the National Mall to experience it all since we are so close, but when nap time rolled around that day I was very thankful that we were home and not standing on The Mall among 1.something million people. Zach loved cheering for Obama on TV all day and everytime his face would show up Zach would yell, "OMAMA!" Experience it yourself by watching the video!
We have a fun new development these days and that is that Zach now recognizes letters on the signs as we are driving around town and calls them out with great excitement. I was driving around the parking lot of Fitness First the other day looking for a parking spot (because it is January remember...a few more weeks and parking shouldn't be a problem again) and Zach starting yelling "F" "I" "T"! I couldn't believe it! I was one proud Mama! I mean it is one thing when I am chasing him around the house with magnetic letters, but to recognize them on his own completely out of context! Wow! Now its what we do everyday! We drive down the street yelling letters and trying to be the first one to spot the digger or the trash truck! I will tell you one thing, I am blessed to be that little boy's mommy!