Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

and all through the house, not a creature was still hollering from his bed that he wanted to see Santa, not even a mouse that was discovered to be living behind our oven and has been since "taken care of." Andy preaching in his pulpit robe and me on the couch with my Mac, were not yet settling in for what will literally be a nap before Caleb needs to eat again.

As wonderful as it is to be the mother of two incredible little boys, it also makes my days very full! When you add Christmas preparations to the mix I have had very little time to post on blog this month. I thought I would take you on a picture walk and provide an abbreviated month in review.

We chopped down our tree from Homestead farm this year. It was such a fun experience and we chose a beautiful tree. It looks amazing all decorated in our living room even after Andy got a little bit carried away with the power saw!

Excited to be picking out a tree to put inside the house.

Supervising daddy's work

The day was made complete with time on the farm tractor.

Zach performed Christmas songs with his Community Bible Study class.
It was very precious and I think during the last song he even realized that he was supposed to be singing :-) He did a great job ringing his jingle bells though!
We took Zach on a "Train Ride with Santa." Zach was thrilled to be on a real train for the first 10 minutes. We then remained on the train for an hour and a half ride during which all three of us were looking for the Emergency Exit in order to escape our boredom (see picture above). Santa however, showed up during the last ten minutes and paid Zach a personal visit.
Zach moves over to make room for the Big Guy.

Having a heart to heart
Santa wanted Caleb to be in the picture too, but since I am completely paranoid about H1N1 I was not about to whisk him out of the Baby Bjorn and hand him over to the man that has hugged at least 100 children in the past hour. we are...all of us...with Santa!
Uncle David and Aunt Emily came for a visit to meet Caleb and brought Zach a Home Depot work bench complete with very noisy power tools. He couldn't be happier and spends a large part of his days doing work around the for instance all of the drilling that needs to be done on this wall!
That is one happy (and safe) little boy!
Maryland had one of biggest snowstorms since '83 last weekend. It was so much fun. I loved being cozy in the house with a cuddly baby and baking cookies while the boys had a blast playing outside! It was quite hard to get Zach back in. We were extra blessed that weekend with a visit from our friend Ben (a friend we met in college). He was so much fun to have here and Zach completely adores him. He still tells me before his nap that when he wakes up Mr. Ben will be here! Awww, Ben you are missed. I should also say that he was the photographer of these amazing snow pictures!
The beautiful church across the street covered in snow!

Thanks Papere for the cozy new snow boots. Playing in the snow this weekend would not have been nearly as much fun without them.

Which brings us to today, Christmas Eve...
Daddy and Zach built a snow man in the yard this morning.
If you didn't notice, our snowman in rooting for both CU and the Broncos!

After a wonderful night at the children's Christmas Eve church service, we came home to eat our chili and Zach opened new Pjs for both of the boys. He couldn't wait to put them on and stripped off his clothes immediately.

Mommy and her Christmas boys!

Zach and daddy put out soy milk and cinnamon streusel for Santa (it was what we had and I am sure that Santa gets bored of the same old cookies and milk house after house.)

We certainly hope that wherever you are reading this from, you are having a
peaceful, joyful, merry merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Caleb at 6 weeks

Well after six weeks of getting to know this little guy we are all completely, head-over-heels, in love with him. He has such a sweet, laid back personality. He is perfectly content to hang out and look around, taking everything in. He loves to give us big beautiful smiles too. He is even giving me an early Christmas gift and is starting to sleep from 9pm to 3am, which has been incredibly refreshing! Zach continues to be a great big brother. Whenever Caleb starts to fuss I often hear him saying "What's matter Caleb? You want your mommy? Okay, I go get your mommy." He then proceeds to do just that! We are loving life with our precious boys and we thank God for them everyday!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kicking Off the Christmas Season

Its hard to believe that it is already that time of year again! We don't have any decorations up yet, and it is hard to know when that will happen as life has been a little crazy since our sweet Caleb has joined the family. But decorations or not, Zach is excited for Christmas this year! We took him to a tree lighting this weekend at the Washingtonian and we had a great time. We even saw Santa and Mrs. Claus ride by in a train.
Daddy came home from running the "Turkey Burnoff" and Zach was ready to wrestle!
Good thing daddy always has lots of energy for his little boys!
My wonderful sister Malia came all the way from California during her Thanksgiving break from school. We had such a fun time with her and like always, she was a tremendous help. She is an amazing auntie and even though she just left yesterday we miss her already!
The four of us at the Tree Lighting
Zach's first cup of Hot Chocolate. This was the before picture. If I had taken the after picture you would have seen the Hot Chocolate poured down the front of his jacket.
Daddy and Zach dancing to the children's performer before they lit the tree.
Checking out the tree
Zach and Malia
Malia and Caleb
Caleb 4 1/2 weeks

Sleepy Baby & Exhausted Mommy

Saturday, November 28, 2009

One Month with Caleb!

Our sweet Caleb has been with us for one month now! In some ways it is hard to believe that it has been that long and at the same time it is hard to imagine a time when he was not here! We have loved getting to know his precious personality and figure out his preferences and what all of his little, or not so little, cries mean. Zach is still delighted to have Caleb in the family and we are even beginning to get a little more sleep. Either that or we are just adjusting to less sleep and becoming entirely dependent on caffeine!

On Thanksgiving day Caleb gave me his first smile! Very thankful for that! This was the same day that Zach gave me his first smile as well, 4 weeks and 1 day! They were even wearing the same outfit.
We loved having Grandmom come and stay with us for a week. She did many many dishes, folded many loads of laundry, and most importantly did lots of grandson cuddling when they needed a little extra TLC and mommy and daddy were experiencing extreme exhaustion!
She brought Zach a special construction worker outfit that has been worn constantly as he does his work around the house.

My three boys. I am so thankful for them!
Caleb 2 1/2 weeks
Raking leaves with daddy!

Caleb 4 weeks
Thanksgiving Day!
Zach and his cousin Christian after a delicious Thanksgiving Feast at aunt Ginny's house!
Zach and Malia at the National Building Museum
Mommy and her precious boys!