We can't believe how fast he is growing! Not only is he getting so big, strong and healthy, but he is also reaching new milestones all the time. He started giggling a while ago which I love to hear and will do anything to make happen. He also likes to talk to us in a very serious tone of voice. Its not quite clear to us yet what he is saying, but it is obvious that he knows what he is talking about. Yesterday (8/4) he rolled over both directions. I knew it was coming because he has been getting so so close for weeks, but then yesterday morning we were playing together on the floor and he just rolled over from his tummy to his back like it was no big deal. Later that night we were at a concert and he rolled over from his back to his tummy with lots of friends cheering him on and that was very exciting. He has also graduated from his infant carseat to a bigger convertible carseat since he just wasn't very happy in his little one anymore. He can sit up by himself in the stroller now and has very good head control so we can use the jogging stroller too. He is definitely engaged and part of the world now. Whenever Andy and I talk (even if we are talking on the phone) he assumes we are talking to him and he gets very excited and starts squealing with delight. This also happens in church while Andy is preaching which makes Sunday mornings pretty interesting. I have started up with my classes at Johns Hopkins again and it is always so hard to leave Zach, but it gives him some good daddy time which they are both enjoying and it means that he gets a bottle which I know Andy loves. I also reached a huge milestone this month as I was finally able to leave Zach in the nursery at the fitness club. It took a lot of working up to it to finally be able to leave him, but he seems to love it and they love having him. I still peek in the window of the nursery every ten minutes but I am working on it! We love life with Zachary. The best part of the day is peeking over the side of the crib when we hear him in there playing in the morning and seeing his bright cheery smile. I think the world would be a happier place if everyone got to see what we do first thing in the morning.

Zach loves his play gym and he spins around in circles on his back so that he can see all the toys from different angles. Maggie is being a great babysitter!

I have finally learned how to hold on to this great new toy!

Uh oh....where did it go??

Ahhhh...there it is.

Sitting is his Bumbo seat...it is so funny to see him actually sitting up like a big kid! (sorry about the red-eye, not sure how to take it out)

Playing on the new floor quilt from Grandma is pretty fun!

Zach in his new jogging stroller that we finally got around to setting up. He seems to like the sound that it makes when he kicks his little legs. Maggie (our lab) on the other hand doesn't understand that the wheels are a little bigger on this stroller and keeps getting in the way.

Sitting in his new carseat from Grandmom and Granddad. I think he likes this carseat much better than his infant carrier because he doesn't get as hot.

Looking cute as can be in the hot weather. Whenever he gets hot his hair gets curly. Its pretty cute.

Zach with Erika at a concert in Town Center. Erika is our friend from Brazil. She moved here with her family so that her husband could be the pastor of the Brazilian congregation that meets at our church. We have loved getting to know them and are so thankful that they are here. As a side note is was at this concert that Zach was laying on a blanket and rolled over from back to front for the first time. There must have been something about that Salsa music that excited him.

And to finish it all off, a picture of the sun setting behind our garden in our backyard. We love this house!